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MEET: Ian Northcott – From the Army to kid’s games!

In Instructor Stories by Charlotte

Introducing Ian Northcott, our new Bromsgrove instructor. He’s been doing fantastic so far, so we had a quick catch up to find out a little more about him. Why did you get into the Fitness Industry and what were you doing beforehand? I was in the army from 16 up to 27 and then joined the police. I have always …

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2017 Round up

In Other by Charlotte

January – We celebrated Rabble’s 3rd birthday by getting custard pied! And Ciaran & Dean got engaged! February  – Rabble valentines day involved some kiss chase. We made some mega waves at the Rabble pool party. Manchester played Chester in a mudbath and we kicked off classes in Chorlton park.   March – Ali kicked off our first Scottish class …

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Rabble Award Winners 2017

In Rabble news by Charlotte

It was the Winter Intercity Games not too long ago, meaning we had Rabble groups from all over the country join together and play against one another. We had an absolute blast, with Hyde Park taking the overall win of the day and Highbury Wallies for having the best Fancy Dress- Congratulations!     We also had our award winners: Rabble …

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“Rabble has made me a better, happier person”

In Other by Charlotte

RABBLE ROLE MODEL 2017 – MEGHAN JOYCE.   Meghan Joyce won our prestigious annual Role Model award for 2017. Meg has been playing with us for only one year and her enthusiasm and positivity has been felt by almost every member, chatting to everyone and encouraging other players. She carried her passion for playing through to becoming an instructor in …

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The Winter Intercity Games 2017

In Other by Charlotte

Intercity Games 2017 Leaked… Remember, remember the 25th of November, where Rabble hubs across the country join us for the Intercity Games, where play meets competition meets utterly ridiculous on the biggest scale. This time you get to play with your community against all the other Rabble groups from far and wide, with games bigger and crazier than you’ve seen before. …

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Intercity Games & Black Tie Event

In Rabble news by Charlotte

The Intercity games are 3 only weeks away… Not only that, but we’re also hosting a black tie event straight after for us to all dress up for a celebration! Cities from all over the country join together for one joyous event on the 25th of November to meet new people and play against one another for that sweet, sweet, …

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Coming to Your First Game

In Rabble news by Charlotte

We get a bunch of new players coming down to each game we hold. Everyone has an awesome time, and newcomers and seasoned players get stuck in. We know though that it can be a bit apprehensive coming to your first game – meeting new people, and wondering if you’re fit enough to join in can make you a little …

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Beginner’s Guide to Skiing

In Rabble news by Charlotte

Rabble Ski Trip 2018 17-24 March 2018 By now you’ll have heard about the Rabble Ski Trip 2018 to Risoul in France (if you haven’t then you can throw a snowball at my face…), but perhaps you’re wondering “why, Steve, that sounds like an awesome adventure, but I can’t ski! Halp!”     I’ve never skied either, and nor have …

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Rabble Ski Trip 2018

In Rabble news by Charlotte

Rabble Ski Trip 2018 17-24 March 2018 Race to Risoul! After this year’s epic Rabble Ski Trip, we’re hitting the slopes once again in March 2018 as we head to Risoul, France. A week of epic snow shenanigans awaits right near the French/Italian border. With 320 days of sunshine a year, and slopes catering for absolute beginners and seasoned skiers …

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Manchester’s 2 Year Anniversary!

In Other by Charlotte

    So it’s been 2 whole years since we kicked off Rabble’s first ever session outside of London! We spoke with Kieran, our Manchester Instructor, about the anniversary and his thoughts… 2 years ago, Kieran came down to London to meet with Charlotte to learn a bit more about Rabble, the history and the goals. He started training to become …