Rabble Award Winners 2017

In Rabble news by Charlotte

It was the Winter Intercity Games not too long ago, meaning we had Rabble groups from all over the country join together and play against one another. We had an absolute blast, with Hyde Park taking the overall win of the day and Highbury Wallies for having the best Fancy Dress- Congratulations!



We also had our award winners:

Rabble Role Models- Daniel Blocksage & Meghan Joyce
Rabble Rogue- Dave Austin
Rabble Rouser- Emily Conner
Rabble Rookie- Jen Carr
Rabble’s Rabbler- Danni Moore



We caught up with some of the winners about how they discovered Rabble and what it was like to win their awards. We talked to Danni Moore (Rabble’s Rabbler), Daniel Blocksage (Rabble Role Model), and Jen Carr (Rabble Rookie)


Danni Moore

The master of ‘name that tune’ in a music quiz, knowing more lyrics to 90s pop songs than anybody should, previous Australian Crocodile Park worker in Darwin, home of the ‘Cage of Death’… and Rabble’s Rabbler.



How and why did you join Rabble?

I first heard about rabble when I read an article in Time Out magazine. I had only been in London a little over a year and I was looking for something to do with my Sundays, so this sounded like a great option. However, I already had a gym membership and as welcoming as rabble sounded from the website, it took me a while to make myself go along. I waited for a game that I thought I understood and decided on dodgeball, as I’d previously played in a league with a team from work. I went to my first session in Clapham Common on a Thursday night and I soon realised that this wasn’t like any dodgeball I’ve played before! There’s always a variety and a mixture of running/tagging games and throwing/ catching games.


How different is Rabble to other fitness experiences you’ve had?

I’ve never really been very good at motivating myself to exercise solo. I don’t like going to the gym and running on a treadmill, so I’ve always done group exercise classes like step, aerobics or dance classes. I was always quite sporty at school but I found that at uni and beyond it became super competitive to get into sports teams and there was pressure to perform, which never appealed to me. Rabble is different as it’s inclusive to anyone, no matter what your level of skill or fitness. Don’t get me wrong, I can be very competitive and I want to win, but I’m also realistic about my skill levels! The games are so different to anything I’ve ever done for fitness. It’s great to feel like part of a team again and have fun while exercising.


Have your exercise patterns changed?

Yes. When I was going to the gym I would only go twice a week as it took a lot to motivate myself. With rabble I try to go a minimum of twice a week but usually up to 4 or 5 sessions. I don’t have to force myself to go because I know that I will always enjoy it. Even if I’ve had a rubbish day and it’s pouring with rain, I’ll still have a great time running around for an hour and I won’t regret it.


How do you feel about Rabble?

It sounds cheesy but rabble has changed my life in London. Not only has it given me an option for regular exercise that I actually enjoy doing, it has also introduced me to an incredible group of people. When they named the company, they really hit the nail on the head – we are a rabble. I’ve never really felt like part of a group before, but it’s the people that make rabble what it is. I spend more time with Rabblers than any other friends and I’ve definitely made some friends for life. And I have the added bonus of getting fitter at the same time. If I’m ever ill or injured and have to have time off, I really miss it!


How did you feel winning your award?

When Charlotte was reading out the descriptions of the award winners, a couple of us were trying to guess who they all were.  She said something about turning up to sessions hungover, so I knew it couldn’t be me as I gave up drinking a year ago. So when she then said my name I was completely surprised. I must look more worse for wear than I realise at the weekend sessions!! It’s such a lovely award to win as its voted for by the other Rabblers and I’m honoured and proud that they chose me.


Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

Charlotte for coming up with the idea for rabble in the first place, the instructors (especially Chris and Tam whose sessions I attend the most) and most importantly the other Rabblers for making me feel part of the group in such a short space of time and, of course, for voting for me to win this award.




Daniel Blocksage

Rabble’s Role Model. A massive petrol head with his collection of cars from classics to track race cars. Ask him about the neighbour’s pet dog in the kitchen freezer!


How and why did you join Rabble?

I joined Rabble over a year ago at 19, as I was looking for something that offers great team games with a fantastic social side. After searching online for sports clubs in Cambridge, I stumbled across Rabble. Knowing that I miss all the fun playground games from school, I signed up for my first session. I remember being very nervous at the start as I didn’t know anyone there and wasn’t sure what to expect. But within the first five minutes I had a very warm welcome and was instantly made part of the “Rabble family”. Since then I have made it to every session I can, along with all the great socials we have in Cambridge. Signing up to Rabble has been one of the best things I’ve done, as its allowed me to meet loads of interesting people and make lots of new friends!


How different is Rabble to other fitness experiences you’ve had?

I am a very sporty individual and I do everything from skiing to free-diving and even roller hockey. But my main talent lies with triathlons. At 16 I was lucky enough to represent Great Britain in the Triathlon World Championships where I was the youngest competitor. I also compete in cycling races at a national level. But being all individual sports, I found they lacked the social atmosphere of which makes Rabble so great. I always leave Rabble with a big smile on my face and can’t wait for the next one.


Have your exercise patterns changed?

My exercise lifestyle seems to revolve around Rabble now! When I first joined Rabble, I would only attend one session a week due to my other training commitments, but very quickly that progressed to taking part in every possible session available in Cambridge, I’d caught the Rabble bug! I normally train every day of the week including Rabble including my cycling/running etc. One of my evenings I train with my swimming club for an hour and half and then have two hours of regional level dodgeball training straight after. But, I am now alternating each week between that and Rabble as you can can’t beat the social side and excitement at Rabble.


How do you feel about Rabble?

I think Rabble has been one of the best things I have signed up to in my life! Since joining Rabble, it has not only improved my overall fitness but my personal confidence as well. I have come across hundreds of new faces and had some great conversations with them all. I am always persuading anyone I know to come try out a session and see for themselves what fun it is. The sessions are perfect for people with any level of fitness as you can work as hard as you want. Whether you’re that person who pushes themselves to get that extra point with five seconds on the clock, or recovering from all the burpees.


How did you feel winning your award?

I was really surprised to win the Rabble Role Model award and it’s great to know that my love and strong commitment for Rabble has been recognised. It was also fantastic to see everyone else winning awards at the awards night and to meet everyone who makes Rabble what it is today.


Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

I’d like to thank everyone who goes to Rabble along with Cambridge instructor Dan Burling and our new instructors Jo Longland and Tom Bardsley. And to everyone who puts up with my daydreaming while the rules are being explained!




Jen Carr

Project Manager, Croatia hitchhiker, spoon on nose balancer, and Rabble Rookie. Oh, and she can make a chicken out of a tea towel!


How and why did you join Rabble?

I started going to Rabble because I wanted to do something that was fun, involved fitness and allowed me to meet new people.  I thought I would give it a go – what was the worst that was going to happen? I am now 100% hooked – I love it!


How different is Rabble to other fitness experiences you’ve had?

Rabble is completely different. In the gym, no one talks to each other, everyone is plugged in and focussed on their fitness. For some this works, for me, it doesn’t.  From my first session I felt have always felt welcome and part of the group.  Although we might be green v. oranges on the pitch, we are all one team and I love that.  I even wouldn’t use certain machines in the gym as I didn’t want to be laughed at for doing it wrong – at Rabble, we hi5 when I finally run across the line with my donkey tag (after the 5th attempt).


Have your exercise patterns changed?

Definitely! Even a year a go, if someone suggested I would go to a cold muddy park on a Sunday morning to run around  I would have laughed.  This is now how I love to spend my Sundays!


How do you feel about Rabble?

I love it! I am actually excited when I book in for my next session and it has become part of my life.


How did you feel winning your award?

I was pretty surprised on the night – but unbelievably happy.  Rabble is full of great people so it feels like a complete privilege to be lucky enough to be Rookie 🙂


Is there anyone you’d like to thank?

I owe a huge thank you to Chris and Jamie – they are both fab, supportive and, well, just lovely! And all my fellow Clapham goers – they are all awesome.