Post Launch
After the launch of your first session it is essential to increase your marketing efforts to continue to grow your Rabble community and maintain your existing followers. You can do this by following the below steps:
Before Session:
- Create a facebook event for your session
- Contact everyone who said they were interested in your fb event
- Contact everyone who said they were going to your fb event
- Ask these people to share the event on their own timelines
- Get the venue to promote your session (email, leaflets)
- Advertise your sessions on
- Contact everyone who engages with your session on
- Join local facebook groups, share the event and discuss rabble
- Create a closed group on facebook and invite all the attendees and 'interested' people
- In the closed group share information, ask questions and invite members to social meet ups post-session
At Session:
- Record how many people came and their contact details
- Was the session free/how many of them paid
- Have a banner/sign for passer-by (cheap DIY white foamboard with writing)
- Tell everyone about the referral scheme - "if you bring a friend you both get that session free"
- Ask which platform they came from (fb, meetup, personal connections)
- Invite people to the social after the session
- Give them leaflets to hand out (referral)
- Ask for feedback on time/location
- Take a photo/video to highlight how fun the session is
After Session:
- Contact everyone who went
- Contact everyone who was 'interested/going' but didn't go
- Incentivise to post review
- Tell these people to join your closed fb group
- Promote the referral scheme in your closed group
(contact = email, text, social media)