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In Rabble news by Charlotte

With 2016 drawing to a close, we asked you what your FAVOURITE moments of 2016 were! We’ve had loads of fun! Thanks to everyone who’s been part of it!  And here they are: My first Rabble session – where everyone was so friendly! Summer beer stretches! Kieran: “And it’s a draw! I hate draws; I really do” Two weeks of parrot …

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‘I’ve loved getting faster’

In Player Stories by Charlotte

This week we caught up with Ciaran who has been to the MOST Rabble sessions EVER* (since we started counting (last year))!?! A whopping 251 sessions! But Oli is snapping closely at his heels (249) to take that title away from him!   Ciaran has always been an incredible member of the group, being super inclusive and positive. Never taking …

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Fun fitness & Muay Thai… that’s Fiona!

In Player Stories by Charlotte

This week we spoke to Fiona Godwin, who has amassed a huge 1020 points since August. Fiona impressively manages a busy schedule around work and sport to squeeze in Rabble but is almost always there with positive chat for other players and at most of the Rabble socials too! Watch out for Fiona when playing ball games, her movement and passing …

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Black tie and Annual Awards 2016

In Player Stories, Rabble news by Charlotte

The annual black tie dinner and awards night is always a great excuse to get glammed up and remember an epic year and celebrate everyone who helped make it what it was. With so many incredible people in Rabble it was almost impossible to choose our winners but our stand out heroes for 2016 really went above and beyond. Rabble Role …

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Intercity games 2016 round up and results

In Rabble news by Charlotte

It was an incredible day. We had a huge turn out, Cambridge ran like f*ck, Manchester were on time, most teams were bibbed, some were still in PJ’s & onsies, nobody was sin binned, everybody was worn out, even the weather was top in Finsbury park on Saturday. With eight teams playing we drew a small crowd to watch our …

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Intercity games 2016 preview

In Rabble news by Charlotte

With the Intercity Games 2016 only four days away. For the first time ever the schedule of games has been released.  Teams from across the country will be descending on Finsbury Park in London this Saturday. The games will be followed later in the evening by the Annual Awards & Black Tie dinner.   Eight games will be played in …

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‘I’m fitter now, than I’ve ever been!’

In Player Stories by Charlotte

With our Intercity Games approaching this Saturday, we asked Rabble veteran and newly turned instructor Samantha to tell us what it was like when she first joined us as a player.   “It was a freezing cold Saturday morning in January, over at Finsbury Park,” she recalls.   “As I arrived at the entrance of the park, the heavens opened and it …

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Meet Veva our Sassy Spanish Instructor

In Other by Charlotte

Veva is one of our newest instructors, originally from Cadiz in the South of Spain, she’s 30 and has so much vivacity and passion for life, it’s infectious – she makes everyone smile! We asked her to share a bit more about herself and what she thinks of instructing an alternative fitness class at Rabble. Q: First up, what’s your …

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A word from the Rabble…

In Other by Charlotte

Rabble wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing Rabblers, the very people who turn up, play hard and get involved in our games. In the first of a series of blogs, we turn our attention to those people that joined Rabble and have become a big part of its community. First up, is couple Vicki (V) and George (G) from our …

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“I haven’t played team games for 10 years!”

In Player Stories by Charlotte

If you head over to our new Chester group, you will be sure to notice a bubbly, smiley and sociable member of the group called Sarah. Sarah self admittedly never had the motivation to keep up her excise habits previously and hadn’t played team games for over ten years. However she has now been a committed member of Rabble for …