Fun fitness & Muay Thai… that’s Fiona!

In Player Stories by Charlotte

This week we spoke to Fiona Godwin, who has amassed a huge 1020 points since August. Fiona impressively manages a busy schedule around work and sport to squeeze in Rabble but is almost always there with positive chat for other players and at most of the Rabble socials too! Watch out for Fiona when playing ball games, her movement and passing skills are killer!14681570_10209677579209059_5767685989646201596_n

Tell us a little about yourself

I work for the biotech company Amgen, in their Clinical Trials department, helping set up and run all the clinical trials currently going on here. I’ve been working in Cambridge for about 4 years now but am originally from Boston, Lincolnshire.

How did you hear about Rabble?

My friend had already gone to one session and she really enjoyed it. We were chatting one day and I mentioned I didn’t have any plans that evening. She suggested coming along to Rabble, and I’ve never left!

How did you find your first experience?

Fun but exhausting! I already played a couple of sports so I knew my fitness wasn’t terrible, but I hadn’t done a lot of sprint work which is what a lot of the running based games are. It was very tiring but I knew Rabble would be something I would enjoy.

What do you most enjoy about Rabble?15056263_1845662449003001_3458983106922074193_n

It’s always different. The games are so varied each week which keeps it interesting. The Cambridge group is also really friendly and we all get on well. Everyone is competitive enough to make games interesting but not so competitive that there is a ‘win at all costs’ atmosphere.

Do you have a favourite moment?

Not a specific one but it’s when games get to match point and everyone gets really into the game to try win/stop the other team.

What’s your favourite game?

15056452_1845662532336326_5911714894962286620_nIt would probably be one Dan came up with for when we’re in the sports hall. Essentially the team has to make 5 passes to different people and the final pass has to be bounced off the wall to a team mate. It adds a different dimension to the game and being in a confined space means there are a lot of opportunities for interceptions to get the ball back on your team.

What do you do outside of Rabble?

I do Muay Thai (Thai boxing), training twice a week. I have certainly noticed that it has got easier as my fitness has increased with all the running around at rabble!