Meet Veva our Sassy Spanish Instructor

In Other by Charlotte

Veva is one of our newest instructors, originally from Cadiz in the South of Spain, she’s 30 and has so much vivacity and passion for life, it’s infectious – she makes everyone smile!

We asked her to share a bit more about herself and what she thinks of instructing an alternative fitness class at Rabble.14479607_10153885564977091_7022351556595178398_n

Q: First up, what’s your favourite Rabble game?

V: Oh I love 3D football – it’s so much fun switching between netball and football! And I’ve created a new game – Indiana Jones, which everyone must try!

Q: Ahh, a Rabble classic. How did you end up becoming an instructor with us?

V: Well, I’m a Personal Trainer and a Fitness Instructor. When I came across Rabble, I realised that it just ticks all the boxes for  me – it’s a fun community, it’s something different and fun and it makes me feel like I’m at home. It’s also good for wellbeing.

Q: You are one of the most creative people we know! Have you turned your hand to any other skills that you think have helped you be such a fab instructor?

img_6024V: I have a degree in advertising and PR and a Masters in Marketing and Business Management. But I’ve taken other courses out of curiosity and fun, such as Visual Merchandising, Life Coaching, Google Analytics and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). As a marketer, I can see the potential and talent of the business, as a person I see a way to meet and have fun with genuine and interesting people.

Q: Wow, now we can see where all your creativity comes from, and we’ve been lucky enough to build such an amazing community of interesting, fun people, too.

V: Yes, it’s so nice to end the session and head down to the pub so I can get to know more about the players I’ve been instructing. It is so exciting to know about their background, what do they like to do during their spare time, what places around the world they have been visiting.

Q: Yeah, we love heading to the pub after a Rabble session too! And what do you love best about the sessions themselves?14212542_10153812815797091_2519551416864995175_n

V: I love the moment when we’re all breathless and the high intensity game arrives. I find myself saying “do not give up Veva! Keep playing hard team!”


Veva runs our King’s Cross session in London on Mondays and Wednesdays – it’s on a hard court not far from the tube station so there’s no need to bring your blades to this one. Sign up on the website and join her.