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Rabble Manchester’s 1st birthday

In Rabble news by Charlotte

It’s been a whole year since we kicked off our first ever Rabble session outside of London and what a journey it’s been! I remember apprehensively heading to Manchester for the first ever game. It felt like I was beginning Rabble all over again. I had the nerves that I used to have at every session when I began Rabble in …

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Olympic Dreams

In Rabble news by Charlotte

Finally the Olympics are upon us once more. The peak in every athlete’s training cycle and the pinnacle of every athlete’s career. It’s a spectacle for us. But it’s work for them.   For every Olympian that makes it, there are 100 more that don’t. I was also one of those 100 that failed. I was a former international runner …

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7 things to do this summer in London!

In Rabble news by Charlotte

 1.Explore! London is huuuuge and there’s so much going on! Now there’s no more heading to work and getting home in the dark, there’s plenty of opportunity to check out something new. The shining sun greets you every morning leaving you bouncing to work. And the long light evenings means that playtime is extended! And we LOVE playtime!     …

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How to become a Ninja

In Player Stories, Rabble news, Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Rabble Ninja Lesson 1 – How to Dodge a Ball by Rabble Ninja Sensei – Matthew Andrews   Rabble makes people faster. It is a universally agreed fact that – unless you were already particularly fast, doing some similar sport – Rabble makes you faster. And more agile (I could pretend that I’ve always been as fast as I am …

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Why you have given up on your New Year’s resolution?

In Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Given up Given up your New Years resolution? Why you were destined to fail! Over two thirds of those who made a New Years resolution this year have already given up. Why do we start with such great intentions but they fade so quickly? And why do we have the naivety year on year to believe that this will be the …

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40 days of challenge!

In Rabble news by Charlotte

Lent is here again. Last year after a Rabble pancake night, it was suggested that we should be challenged to give something up, with the obvious solution being clothes. This led to a painful 40day stint of feeling horribly exposed everyday. Yeah, a lot of fancy dress.. irreparably etched into my memory include a day covered in real lettuce, PJ’s …

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January round up & Rabble of the month

In Player Stories, Rabble news by Charlotte

We’ve gotten off to an incredible start to 2016. We’ve had more Rabble players this month than EVER before in Rabble history, sooo many new faces, games and members of the Rabble team it’s been epic. This month saw Austraaaaalia special games in Hyde park, a climbing social in Manchester and the London Rabble being chased across the streets of …

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The Games Master. How do we create games?

In Rabble news, Rabble Principles by Charlotte

This is an exciting week as we saw Henry our most experienced instructor coming on board as Games Master at RHQ. As a sports coach and designer of the impressive board game Wrecking Ball, the office is now buzzing with 100 game ideas a minute, especially with the rabble 2nd birthday party coming up… #cantwait Having designed most of the …

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Two years later….

In Rabble news, Rabble Principles by Charlotte

The First Game Two years ago, I was sat at home nervously awaiting the beginning of my first ever rabble session. It was not called rabble, we’d existed virtually for two weeks. I didn’t know who would come. I was organising dodgeball, something I’d never played. I’d borrowed some space, equipment and friends. Somehow it was bizarrely as good as …