January round up & Rabble of the month

In Player Stories, Rabble news by Charlotte

11182001_1721540858081828_46337719330314953_nWe’ve gotten off to an incredible start to 2016. We’ve had more Rabble players this month than EVER before in Rabble history, sooo many new faces, games and members of the Rabble team it’s been epic. This month saw Austraaaaalia special games in Hyde park, a climbing social in Manchester and the London Rabble being chased across the streets of Clapham by a lobster, the return of the Rabble supper club, national hugging day in Waterloo, a panto and vast quantities of mud, sweat and smiles.



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Begun 2016 in style, classically it was as close as ever with our biggest ever rabble game, a competitive twenty one a-side Jailbreak. Of course it was utter carnage on the field, with lots of heroic attacks, slides and breaks for the line. It seemed that getting the electric fence down as rapidly as possible was the route to victory. Everyone on the South dug deep, very deep. Many players from both sides were on their knees trying to fight through to the final round neck and neck. But the North fought the lactic acid and took out the electric fence early on in the final round that lead to a flurry of points securing their well deserved victory. It was an amazing display of team work and fitness from all involved.


East v WestIMG_2792

Kicked off in Finsbury Park one week later. All looked even during circular dodgeball with both teams taking home points. But come the chase game the West looked confident. Each round was fought close to the end but the West managed to take every round, in despite of their heavily biased East instructor, leading them ultimately to a conclusive victory. Amazing work everyone and look forwards to next month’s rematch in Hyde park.

So with sooooo much happening, it was super tough to choose our Rabble of the month.


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Rabble Role Model – Graham Thomas, Lottie Swindlehurst, James Lampert and Chris Corner
We have a four way tie for the Role Model of Jan 2016. There’s a New Years resolution and there’s a month of Rabble. The impressive foursome decided to complete a perfect January, a rabble session every day for 30days, a feat never before achieved. It was a brutal yet incredible 30 days, hitting them with tiredness, time pressure and LOTS of games (and pub trips). It was amazing to watch them maximum tactics to reserve energy, pull it out of the bag when they needed it and display their experience in games. They completed the challenge with humility, honour and graciousness as they were quick to mention the others who also had impressive months: Debora, Oli and Ciaran also did over 23 sessions! MEGA January, well done all!


Rabble rouser – Emily ConnerFullSizeRender (34)
After winning the prestigious ‘American of the year’ despite being from Essex for being one of the loudest members of the Rabble, it’s no surprise to see her win Rabble rouser for January 2016. Emily is an extremely positive influence on the pitch and she creates great atmosphere in games, working hard, supportive and welcoming to all as well as adding much banter. He effort in games is unmatched and she is a key member of the social community, bringing life to many events. Emily is a worthy winner of Rabble rouser Jan ’16.




Rabble rogue – Gareth StoakleyFullSizeRender (32)
Gareth has made a strong start to 2016, with a big attendance and big on field commitment. Not afraid to take advantage of loopholes in the rules and take liberties no matter whether the instructors are watching or not! He has certainly earmarked himself as one to watch. He works hard on field and makes the instructors work just as hard in policing. Gareth, we have your number!




Rabble rookie – Holly WestFullSizeRender (31)
It’s been great to see more of Holly this year. One of our more timid Rabble members she has not gone unnoticed. She might be quiet but she has great determination and a generous spirit on field. Always there to support team mates no matter what the situation. She’s a hard worker on field, continuously sprinting up and down for the benefit of the team! It’s been great to see her grow in confidence and speed since her arrival at Rabble and we hope to see much more of her.