I’ve never gone to Rabble thinking ‘I don’t feel like doing this.’

In Player Stories by Charlotte


This week we are very sad to have to say goodbye to one of our key Rabble members in Cambridge. 15319252_10210150486711451_8762119664813030648_n

Kat joined our Cambridge Rabble in it’s very early days and became one of it’s first regular players, sun or rain she was there, barely missing a session and always with a smile on her face.


Since then she’s played in London against the other teams during the Intercity games (dressed as a leopard), joined us on the socials and dramatically improved her fitness too, having signed up to a 10mile+ Tough Mudder this Spring with the rest of the Rabble. And now with the Cambridge Rabble going from strength to strength we want to thank her for her contribution to making the group what it is today and to say that she will be sorely missed.

Here is Kat’s story:




I moved from Denmark to Cambridge in late July because of a job. After a couple of weeks of settling in, I went to my first Rabble session and fell in love with the concept at once. Over the first 2-3 months, I think I only missed two sessions. I loved the fun of the games, being part of a team, and just hanging out with some great people.


About six weeks ago, I did something I never thought I would do. I signed up for Tough Mudder. Only because someone from Rabble was talking about it, a Rabble team was suggested, and the whole thing ended up sounding like fun (I’ve no idea how that happened). I simply couldn’t help myself. I signed up, despite serious concerns about how I’m actually going to complete it.



It was pointed out that it isn’t as hard as it looks, but also that, sure, being able to run 10K probably wouldn’t hurt. Last time I went running – more than six months ago – I would need my (first) break after just 3 km. So that’s the goal for this coming spring: being able to run 10K with no breaks. Not just because of the Tough Mudder, but because I’d like to be able to do that.


So this past month, I’ve been for a run every now and then. First just 3 km. That was okay. Then 5 km which I could also do without walking – success! For the first time ever, I’m actually trying to improve and run (just a bit) faster. And I’ve gone for 7, 8 and 9 km runs! Without walking. And that’s without having gone for an actual run since July. I’ve just been coming to Rabble sessions. The best thing being, that I’ve never gone to a Rabble session thinking “I don’t really feel like doing this, but I really ought to go”. I’ve only ever gone because I wanted to.

Sadly, I’m leaving. I’ve got a new job back in Denmark. I’m slightly worried about going back to the “don’t want to, but ought to” feeling about work out.


Luckily, Rabble has given me a great push, routine and a renewed appreciation for team games and sports. I managed to find a handball team here in Cambridge a while back, and picked up a handball for the first time in ages. So I think I’ll give that a go again. With new motivation and the proper boost that six months of Rabble has given me, I do believe I’ll be alright. The aim is definitely to find something that’s good exercise but also fun! I won’t do without that now. And I’m not completely done, as I’ll be coming back to join the Rabble team at Tough Mudder in May – I still have no idea how I’ll actually do that, but I’ll try!



That was a very long way of explaining, that what I actually just wanted to say, is THANK YOU. I’m not too sad about leaving my job or Cambridge, but leaving Rabble will be a real challenge. Thank you for a wonderful time, some awesome experiences and great times with some amazing people.



Special thanks to Dan for being the most amazing instructor and doing a wonderful job, both with the games and the social side of things. And thanks to all who are part of Rabble Cambridge, I’m very sad to be leaving such a great group of people who’ve made every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday a highlight of the past six months.


I wish Rabble and all the people around it all the best.
