The Philosophy Behind Rabble

In Rabble Principles by Charlotte

Rabble is bored of boring exercise. We play games, ridiculous kids games. They are super social and different every time. But there’s a lot behind this philosophy that has been carefully designed to accumulate many benefits beyond enjoying the moment. Rabble is actually seriously good for your health.

Fun – Rabble is fun. This is important. Life is difficult enough with commitments thrown from all angles. It’s easy to neglect your health, particularly if it’s viewed as a chore. Many people begin the year with excellent intentions to get fit. They don’t last. Why? Because ultimately they don’t enjoy the experience.

Kids never give up play, why? Because they enjoy it. If you love your exercise regime, you won’t give it up in tough times – which is when you need it the most. We find that many of our Rabble members were not engaged in any form of fitness before joining us and many had turbulent relationships with exercise. However we find people keep playing regularly, why? Because they enjoy it, they see their health improvements and they make friends. Win, win, win.


“It’s about the playing and not about the winning.”


Fitness – Just because we don’t advertise ‘Hell week’, it doesn’t mean that our games aren’t workouts and you don’t get fit. We see huge improvements in new players’ fitness over just a few weeks. Players run over 7km and burn over 600 calories at games. Our games train all components of fitness and players work harder than they might at a usual workout because our games encourage team work and friendly competition.

When you think you might win five points for your team, it doesn’t matter who’s chasing you down you will run your legs off get to base. The intensity in these moments are critical for overloading the body, which is where any improvement comes from, if you’ve done it before what does your body learn? And boredom kills intensity, so ditch the repetitive workouts.



Social – We play team games (on and off the field, we have socials every week). You have to work with and speak to people. Games bring out everyone’s raw playful side. There’s no need for awkward icebreakers, you simply pull together as a unit to complete the task.

We are a friendly and supportive crowd, it’s about the playing and not about the winning. Nobody arrives at Rabble with all the skills. Everyone learns as they play, we’ve designed it that way. There’s no hierarchy and there’s no negativity. We’re Rabble.


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