A word from the Rabble…

In Other by Charlotte

Rabble wouldn’t be what it is without our amazing Rabblers, the very people who turn up, play hard and get involved in our games. In the first of a series of blogs, we turn our attention to those people that joined Rabble and have become a big part of its community.screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-12-13-47

First up, is couple Vicki (V) and George (G) from our Manchester Rabble group. Otherwise known as the King and Queen of Manchester Rabble, always found at sessions and currently top of the Rabble points table. We asked them a few questions about how they find it.


AGE: 23

FROM: Canada, now living in Manchesterscreen-shot-2016-11-08-at-11-41-21

FAVOURITE RABBLE GAME: frisbee, handball




AGE: 22

FROM: Kent, now living in Manchester


JOINED RABBLE: Sept 2015 (a few weeks after the first ever Rabble Manchester)!


Q: First up, tell us a bit more about yourselves!

V: I’m originally from Toronto. I started fencing at University and my competitive drive led me to rank in the top 100 in Canada! I may have moved away from my team and my sport (for now) but I’ve kept my competitive nature, so Rabble suits me.

G: I recently graduated from university and moved to Manchester for work just over a year ago. When I arrived in Manchester I didn’t know anyone. Luckily Rabble had just started in Manchester. Not only was it good fitness but the social aspect of the session allowed me to settle into a new city.

Q: Great! So what did you think of your very first Rabble session?screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-12-12-58

G: During my first Rabble session, it was raining! The game itself was the great escape, so we had to crawl in the rain and mud. Despite being rainy I had a lot of fun, so I decided to keep going back.

V: By the time I signed up for Rabble, George had already become a regular Rabbler and had spent the past 8 months hyping it up to me! The first game we played wasn’t really for me as it was American Football, but the people I met were all incredibly friendly. Although I wasn’t a big fan of American Football, I decided to give Rabble another chance because the group was so nice. I don’t regret my decision: my second session was amazing. I don’t even remember what the games were because every session I’ve been to since has been just as good.

Q: Do you have a favourite on-pitch memory?

V: Yes! A few weeks ago during a game of frisbee. The other team had the frisbee and I went to intercept a throw. I didn’t quite get it, but neither did my opponent. Instead, the frisbee fell to the ground. I knelt down to get it, but missed as the frisbee rolled away. The other Rabbler also missed, and we ended up both diving across the muddy ground, scrabbling madly for the frisbee. I’ve never wanted a frisbee so much in my life, and I don’t think my opponent did either. We were both essentially throwing ourselves at the frisbee, and neither of us ended up getting it. Instead, someone else grabbed it and the game continued on, leaving the two of us laughing hysterically over our scramble for the frisbee!

G: My favourite on-pitch Rabble memory is the Sports Day, which had games like the egg and spoon race. It made me nostalgic for my childhood.

Q: And any good moments off-pitch you want to share with us?!screen-shot-2016-11-08-at-11-40-44

V: Off-pitch, I’d say my favourite Rabble memory is a group of us getting together to do a pub quiz. We started going almost every week, and got our first win recently!

G: I liked going to the Junkyard Golf course and going bowling with the group. Anything that involves going out and doing something fun! The monthly Rabble awards are also great as they encourage people to become their best.

Q: Sounds like Rabble keeps you busy! What do you like best about Rabble?

G: I enjoy Rabble because it gets me up and out on a Saturday morning. I don’t need to sign up to a gym because the workouts are great.

V: The community! Our instructor, Kieran, works especially hard to make sure that even new people feel like they’re old friends, and the rest of the Manchester Rabblers definitely picked up that habit so that we’ve got a really friendly, fun, and inclusive group.